
ICF National Conference 2012 16-17 May

ICFFuture Forestry - Meeting the needs of society in the 21st century.
CBI Conference Centre, Centre Point, New Oxford Street, London

Did you predict the public’s reaction in February last year to the Government's proposed change in woodland ownership in England? Do you have a clear idea of the international and domestic forces that will shape forestry and forestry businesses over the next decade? Do you know all about carbon trading and how forestry fits in?

We’ve seen the industry's reaction to policy decisions, huge public concern over forest sell-offs, biosecurity challenges, changing planting demands, economic drivers that bring tough financial decisions, increased and often bureaucratic legislation, and a potential long-term skills shortage on the horizon. The list goes on.

But, with the challenges come opportunities – a recognition of the importance of trees and woodlands to our economy, landscape, health and well-being, from both government and the public. This means new markets and an increased demand for professional services.

We have to start thinking laterally, planning strategically, delivering diversely, learning globally and building our businesses innovatively to embrace the future demands of our society.

If you predicted the changes then come and tell us. If not then come and hear what some of the industry’s leading experts - from home and abroad - have to say. We want industry professionals, like you, to join us to discuss how we can interpret society’s demands on our trees and woodland into innovative ideas for today's businesses.

Marcus Sangster FICFor, ICF's appointed Conference Chairman,is putting the final touches to a programme that will demand attention.

To give you a sneak preview, we can reveal that among the speakers are:

The Rt Rev James Jones, the Bishop of Liverpool and Chair of the Independent Panel on Forestry. Appointed by the Government last year, the Panel's final report will be presented late Spring.

John L Innes, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia, an expert in forestry education and sustainable forest management.

Ian Cheshire, Group Chief Executive, Kingfisher UK, Chair of Defra's Ecoservices Task Force and a member of The Prince of Wales's Corporate Leaders Group on climate change.

Tim Rollinson FICFor, Director General of the Forestry Commission GB, on how the Forestry Commission is influencing forestry overseas.

Dr Jason Beedell, Partner, Smiths Gore, on the new CAP Reform,

John Owen-Jones, Forestry Commissionaire Wales and former MP, on the institutional changes ahead.

Conference After-Dinner Speaker: Charles Mynors, Barrister and leading specialist on the law on trees.

Approximate Conference Timings
Wednesday 16 May - Registration from 9.30am. Conference starts at 10.45am, and concludes at 5.00pm,
Thursday 17 May - Registration from 8.15am. Conference starts at 9.00am and concludes at 4.00pm

On 16th May there will also be:

The ICF Annual General Meeting for Members - 5.15pm at CBI Conference Centre
ICF President’s Reception & National Conference Dinner, Sponsored by Christie Elite Nurseries, Royal Over-Seas League, London

Quick Link to Conference

For the programme, accommodation, tickets, the dinner, directions, promotional opportunities and other useful information.

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Headline Sponsors: Scottish Woodlands; UPM Tilhill; Media Parter: Forestry Journal