Dr Abdalla Mannan MSc LLM BCPsych MBBCh
Medical Doctor & Psychiatrist
Dr Abdalla Mannan can act as an expert witness, including the preparation of medico-legal reports and appearing in court, in cases relating to his specialist areas of expertise, which include:
- Psychiatric reports
- Special interest in UK immigration cases
- Fluent Arabic & knowledge of Arabic-speaking countries
- Ability to consider subject's condition in context of country conditions
- Prepared to undertake investigation as to underlying causes of trauma & matters relating to need for report
- Assessment of mental capacity
- Fitness to plead
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Negligence in mental health
- MSc - Masters Degree (Clinical & Public Health Aspects of Addiction), London
- LLM - Masters Degree Medical Law, Newcastle
- BCPsychiatry - Diploma in Psychiatry, London
- GMC No 4173841
Dr Mannan can take instructions on behalf of either claimant or defendant or as a Single Joint Expert.