Last updateTue, 10 Dec 2024 3pm

Construction professionals head for seminars in Leeds

Picture of Philip Morrison of Shulmans LLP for Your Expert witness storyTwo seminars on issues related to construction law are being held in association with the RICS Quantity Surveying and Construction Group in Leeds in November. Both will be led by construction law expert Philip Morrison of Shulmans LLP (pictured).

The first, taking place on 7 November, will be an update on construction law and will provide an update on recent changes in legislation that affect the industry.

Trends will be examined to ascertain if the courts are following a pattern or particular line of thought. The seminar will also look at the areas where it is likely that there will be changes to the law by government and/or the courts.

According to the RICS, the area of construction and the relevant law can to be subject to constant change and review, so attending the event is an ideal opportunity for contractor and private practice professionals and experts to keep up to date with this ever changing subject.

One area where change is on the way is in the implementation of building information management, or BIM, and the Legal and Contractual Implications of BIM will be the subject of Phil Morrison second seminar, which will take place on 21 November.

In the announcement of the seminar the RICS states: “You may be aware that BIM is being imposed on the industry by Government in order to drive down costs and increase efficiency. So what does it mean in relation to the contracts and law that you have in place now?”

At the seminar Phil will explore the legal and contractual implications of BIM and how these are incorporated into the current legal framework of the construction industry. He will also look at the likely areas where BIM will create an impact, and the changes that will be necessary. The event provides an ideal opportunity for all property professionals, especially those with a design or specification responsibility.

Phil Morrison is a solicitor with Leeds-based Shulmans LLP, who has over 16 years of legal experience relating to the construction industry and providing contractual advice on construction matters. His extensive knowledge of construction-related matters includes disputes involving adjudication, arbitration, mediation and court procedure.

The RICS website contains a case study of the implementation of 4D BIM at New South Glasgow Hospitals. 4D BIM is a development from traditional 3D modelling that enables more precise control of the construction process. The latest manifestation of BIM modelling is styled ‘5D BIM’ and includes cost controls.

RICS expert accreditation service launched

For the first time, expert witnesses in built environment matters are going to be assessed and regulated by the sector’s leading professional body: RICS.

The institution has launched its new international Expert Witness Accreditation Service (EWAS) for the built environment sector. EWAS, which is open to all property professionals, is intended to raise quality and standards in a sector that has not previously been subject to professional regulation.

RICS experts call for infrastructure boost in Scotland

Photo of Rest and Be Thankful in Argyll for Your Expert Witness storyA report compiled by the RICS in Scotland has suggested that investment in the energy and transport infrastructure sectors would make the greatest economic impact in Scotland in the short, medium and long terms.

The report, which has been sent to the Scottish Government, says that finance streams must be unlocked and planning and procurement barriers alleviated. That would support job creation and increase confidence and investment in the construction sector.

In a statement, RICS Scotland said it is “…fully aware of the pivotal role that infrastructure can play in supporting economic recovery.  It is imperative that any investment in infrastructure is directed through the right channels to projects which can make the greatest economic impact and RICS Scotland believes that these opportunities for growth are in the energy and transport sectors.”

Home improvements improve health and reduce crime, study shows

Picture of home improvement in Nottingham for Your Expert Witness storyNottingham City Homes, one of the member stakeholders of the Sustainable Homes Index For Tomorrow – has undertaken an impact study of its ‘Decent Homes’ retrofit scheme in partnership with experts at Nottingham Business School. The study quantifies the benefits of home improvements for security and safety, physical and mental health, sustainability, fuel poverty, and employment.

The renovations consisted of a mixture of installations, including Secured by Design double glazed windows, modern central heating and loft insulation, as well as bathroom and kitchen renovations and other measures to improve the safety of the homes (for instance by installing slip-resistant floors).

Hard hats the subject of updated regulation

Picture of a H and S poster showing hard hat for Your Expert WitnessMeasures relating to the use of head protection on construction sites are among a raft of changes to health and safety legislation which came into force on 6 April, subject to Parliamentary Approval. The Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Repeals, Revocations and Amendments) Regulations 2013 repeal one Act and revoke 12 instruments, plus a related provision in the Factories Act 1961. The measures are being removed because they have either been overtaken by more up-to-date regulations, are redundant or do not deliver the intended benefits.

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE): "These changes do not compromise essential health and safety protections. The aim is to make the legislative framework simpler and clearer. This work is part of wider reforms to help employers understand quickly and easily what they need to do to manage workplace risks."

Action being taken to raise awareness of the changes will involve site safety experts from HSE working with the construction industry – in particular small contractors – to ensure that it understands the continuing need for employers to provide hard hats and ensure they are worn on construction sites.

"Hard hats remain vital in protecting construction workers from head injuries," says the HSE in its announcement regarding the changes. "Employers will need to comply with the requirements of the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992, which have been amended so that they cover the provision and use of head protection on construction sites, thus maintaining the level of legal protection when the Construction (Head Protection) Regulations are revoked."